Friday, December 11, 2015

In this occasion my performance was regular. My best punctuation was in vocabulary and the worst was listening. In an intermediate point is the reading topic. Always my worst item had been listening. The principal cause is the scarcity of practice, for that some sound words I don´t understand. The others items are the better because I practice more this areas and I am accustomed to resolve this kind of exercises. 

Friday, December 4, 2015

I chose news related with a book wrote by Scott Fitzgerald, called “The great Gatsby”. The news describes the book as a perfect paint of the twenty´s decade. This decade, full of deceit, decadence, beauty appearances and excessive opulence is magnificently narrated for this author. The new mention this book because is the 90 anniversary of publication of this classic novel. Also rescue that this book had been the reason of many movies, theatre productions, and even an opera.

I have to say that I read this book in 2012, and found in this novel a fantastic portrait of a period of the history marked for the opulence, success and failure of the search of “American dream”, with a dramatic story of love with backdrop.

I think that this news is important for my career (sociology) because is an interesting topic of study the books (novel, poems, tales, etc.) that narrate and describe the principals features of a social context. The approach of this kind object of investigation can provide two important things. First: the books can show a perfect description of the period that the research pretends to investigate. Also, the books can be used like inspiration source for to found some topics forgotten for the investigator in his study. Second: the books can be an interesting object of investigation, because show a complete social imaginary immersed in the weave of the story narrated for the writer. Here I leave the link of new: