Friday, October 30, 2015

Today I will not talk to you  about one person that I find interesting, I will speak you about many persons insert in a musical style: the grounge. The topic is very trite, for someone is a style very interesting, but others don´t like it.

My first memory about the topic is when I was 16 or 15 years old (adolescence), and I remember the first song that I heard was “Rap me” of Nirvana. For me was a sensorial revolution, because only heard music with a slow beat, with chord excessively harmonious. This song show me other form of to feel and live the music: it expressed rage, anger, with melancholy dyes. After of this discovery I transformed in a fanatic of this style of music. I started to listen others groups of the grounge style, like “Alice in Chains”, “Soundgarden”, “Mudhoney”, “Stone Temple Pilots”, etc.

About the grounge I don´t could to say nothing that everybody knows (born in Seattle, have influences from metal and punk, etc.) Just I want to say something interesting for me (sociologic interpretation/general information/some that I admire of the musician of this style). I have the impression that this style of music has that form of expresses the music, with a rage contents in some moments, in other with melancholic, even with dyes so gloomy, is consequence of the historic moment in where the musician of the grounge style was born. This persons were the first generation that confronted the decadence of the family how principal institution of the society. Is obvious that the family even is a very important institution, but product of de divorce in mass, friends, ascent of the identity phenomenon, an others factors, this institution lost the them central importance, and others things occupied this role. This problematic (principally with the mass use of the divorce) help to understand the letters or the tones of the grounge style (and other things, like the abuse of drugs or the suicides of some artists). For me, this factor influenced in the grounge style and marked to this generations of teenagers, that did not find explain for the situations that were living them and expressed it with rage, pain, sad, drugs and others things. I admire not only the music of this style, also I admire the courage of confront this situation and to express the emotions that would feel in that moment.

Friday, October 23, 2015

I think that the best present that I have received in my life was a dog (race = poodle) when I was a kid (nine years old).To this dog I called “Catalina”, and it accompany me for 13 years. It had been the only pet that I have had, for that is very important for me. When it turned 13 years old, my dog lost (2013). When I knew the news I felt very sad and anger with my mother, because she would duty look after that “Catalina” did not escape (my dog was in Linares and I was studying in Santiago). This dog gave me a friend dog my mother and never I forget it.

In general I think that the best and only present important we received in the infancy. I explain that. The present that we received  when we are child impregnate our mind and feeling most deeply that in any other age, and I believe that the people give presents to the boys and girls disinterestedly, do not waiting something (omit the “exchange theory” (potlatch)). I do not want an apologist of the infancy, only I want to say that the memories in this period is very receptive to the news experiences, and the situations that we lived when are kids (girls) impregnated our memories very deeply, and always we remember it. However, I do not to say that the presents that we received when are adults have not had important, but I have the impression that this presents (when the people give it) do not sincere: is a tradition (birthday, Christmas, etc.) or is a material consideration for to change money for feelings (or something) (presents of the boyfriend, girlfriend, parents or friends

Friday, October 9, 2015

Today I want speak you about Rembrant, specifically about an auto-portrait painted by hem. Rembrandt is the prototype of the baroque painter. This type of painter was very interest in the light principles, in where the conjunction of the light and shade were very important in the elaboration of the artistic work.

The auto-portraits of Rembrandt call me the attention because it shows you the evolution of Rembrandt in three ambits: moral, esthetic and physical.

Is obvious that the physical aspect change and this is very evident in the pictures or auto-portrait. Rembrandt painted this process in a serial of auto-portraits, showing whit that the course of time in the appearance of the persons. But the aspect most important is how this process is related with the moral change observed in the people, and also in one artist, with the change in the esthetic conceptions.

The firsts auto-portraits of Rembrandt show them how a painter painting with précises brush-stroke, predominance of the warm colors, and Rembrandt showing an aspect melancholic but not sad. But with the course of time, the last auto-portraits of this painter show it to Rembrandt using a brush-stroke not précises, structuring vague shape. This change is concordant with a moral change in Rembrandt: this painter started to practice a rigorous Protestantism, for that, the common interpreting is that this change helped in the change esthetic practice hem. In the last   auto-portrait Rembrandt wear the predominance of cold colors, and this related with one sight sad and resigned, configuring a work artistic very near to the sensation of the inevitable passing of the time, and every the fatalism of this situation.

Friday, October 2, 2015

I think that the education is very important for to learn friendly practices with the ecosystem, but, also is very important the habit and motivation of the people. For example, in my case, my mother is a person very conscious of the ambient damage, for that she do many action for to help to protect the environment. For example, she save the organic material (organic waste) and recycle it. This is very useful, because the house of my mother haves many plants and beautiful garden, and the organic material recycled she used it like fertilizer (the correct name is “tierra de hojas”).

I said that the education, motivation and habit is very important, because in the case of my mother, she learned from little girl the respect for the ecosystem. But in my case, the activities for to help the environment are very lacking, because I do not have the motivation, and I believe that this activities use many time: for example, join in an environment organization. I am conscious of my situation, and this is the first step for remedy it. Some activities for to help the environment would be: to use fabric´s bag and not plastic bags; recycle the paper of the copybooks, and don´t take out it; etc.

The Chilean society haves two great questions to resolve about the environment problem. First: to create energetic politics that promotes the use of renewable energies, because the contamination in Santiago and other cities in the south of Chile are due to (use of traditional combustibles, like carbon, firewood, and benzene). Second: teach to the people that the environment problem is a structural problem, for that is necessary the assistance of all, with concrete practices, for to help to create a better common space for to live.