Friday, October 23, 2015

I think that the best present that I have received in my life was a dog (race = poodle) when I was a kid (nine years old).To this dog I called “Catalina”, and it accompany me for 13 years. It had been the only pet that I have had, for that is very important for me. When it turned 13 years old, my dog lost (2013). When I knew the news I felt very sad and anger with my mother, because she would duty look after that “Catalina” did not escape (my dog was in Linares and I was studying in Santiago). This dog gave me a friend dog my mother and never I forget it.

In general I think that the best and only present important we received in the infancy. I explain that. The present that we received  when we are child impregnate our mind and feeling most deeply that in any other age, and I believe that the people give presents to the boys and girls disinterestedly, do not waiting something (omit the “exchange theory” (potlatch)). I do not want an apologist of the infancy, only I want to say that the memories in this period is very receptive to the news experiences, and the situations that we lived when are kids (girls) impregnated our memories very deeply, and always we remember it. However, I do not to say that the presents that we received when are adults have not had important, but I have the impression that this presents (when the people give it) do not sincere: is a tradition (birthday, Christmas, etc.) or is a material consideration for to change money for feelings (or something) (presents of the boyfriend, girlfriend, parents or friends


  1. Fantastic! I think dogs are really good friends!

  2. Fantastic! I think dogs are really good friends!
