I think that the happiness is very relative,
but in general the people, when pass the time, start to invent things for
create or access to the happiness: drugs, material things, technology, social
climbing, meanness, etc. Always the reproduction of this things take to the
people to one spiral of conformity and don´t see other things. The travels are
for to avoid of the daily tragedy; the identity is an individual support for
keep the tranquility of the life; the work is a little dead. For this, I think
that the people have forgotten how to be happiness, and the copy of this state
is a joke: search little spasm for to re-live (travel, go to concert of the
pop-music, etc.) I don´t know what is the happiness, but this isn´t.
For me, the things that make me happy are very
simple. The first is be with my family in the meadow, speak with the people
that live in this place, see the mountains, rivers and the dusk, the silence. A
second thing is play football. Is an activity that I practice from when I was
kid. The game is important, but the most important is spend time with the
friends. The last things is read. For my life the literature is very important,
because it has helped me to know most to the people and me.
Go to the meadow and play football are things
that I learned and practiced from when I was a kid, and are a part very
important of my life, because always have been with me, and I thing that always
will be with me, because the memories are things permanent in the human soul.
The literature is a pleasure that starts in my adolescence, and probably I will
never leave it.
I think that the happiness is accompanied of
simple things, but real, and not artificial things or false. Everyone should
learn to search and find these things.
Hi Cristian, I think like you, because, that the simple things, is a real happiness.