In general I have a regular performance in the
three items. In the first item I have contest six questions correctly and I had
one question incorrect. Was the better item that I did. I think that I can
related words or answer with some context specifically. The only answer
incorrect was because I did not remember a word, and for this I asked
The next items are more difficult for me:
vocabulary and listening. In vocabulary I obtained 26 answers corrects and 7 incorrect;
in listening I obtained 5 answers corrects and two incorrect. Clearly my two English
ambits with more disadvantages are listening and vocabulary. I think that the
principal motive is that I do not practice the time necessary for progress in these
areas. Especially listening, I never have practiced the time necessary for to
have a correct level in this English ambit. The vocabulary, with the time has
improved, but even I can to practice more. In general, I think that I have not
dedicated the necessary time to English. I am repentant for this, but even I
have time for improve this lack.
Maybe you should try to read some stuff in english, in a topic that's interesting for you, and also watch some movies in english :)