Friday, December 11, 2015

In this occasion my performance was regular. My best punctuation was in vocabulary and the worst was listening. In an intermediate point is the reading topic. Always my worst item had been listening. The principal cause is the scarcity of practice, for that some sound words I don´t understand. The others items are the better because I practice more this areas and I am accustomed to resolve this kind of exercises. 

Friday, December 4, 2015

I chose news related with a book wrote by Scott Fitzgerald, called “The great Gatsby”. The news describes the book as a perfect paint of the twenty´s decade. This decade, full of deceit, decadence, beauty appearances and excessive opulence is magnificently narrated for this author. The new mention this book because is the 90 anniversary of publication of this classic novel. Also rescue that this book had been the reason of many movies, theatre productions, and even an opera.

I have to say that I read this book in 2012, and found in this novel a fantastic portrait of a period of the history marked for the opulence, success and failure of the search of “American dream”, with a dramatic story of love with backdrop.

I think that this news is important for my career (sociology) because is an interesting topic of study the books (novel, poems, tales, etc.) that narrate and describe the principals features of a social context. The approach of this kind object of investigation can provide two important things. First: the books can show a perfect description of the period that the research pretends to investigate. Also, the books can be used like inspiration source for to found some topics forgotten for the investigator in his study. Second: the books can be an interesting object of investigation, because show a complete social imaginary immersed in the weave of the story narrated for the writer. Here I leave the link of new: 

Friday, November 27, 2015

At the moment I’m reading “La guerra y la paz”. The author is León Tolstói, a classical writer of Russia and world.

This book is a novel, which is about the war between France (empire in that epoch) and Russian. This classical book addresses the battles between Napoléon and Alejandro I, both emperors of the respective countries.

How everyone knows, Tolstoi is a classical realistic writer, in where the detailed description and objective is very important in the construction of the books. But this author (in this book) adds features naturalist (in the explication of the historical development, in where the incidents are dependent of the destination) and romantic (in the description if the religion, nationalism and relationships).

Three things I admire in this book. First: Is a colossal historical description, in where circulate many characters and locations. Is a good approximation to the ambition of Napoleon for conquers the world, and the moral and physical resistance of the people of Russia. A second thing is that Tolstói recreate in magnificent form the russian aristocratic world, painting the relationships and the principal features of this class (similar to the french realists). The last thing is the tone, textures and style of Tolstói. He was a magnificent writer, very conscious of his age and the people that would live in his period. Is an extensive book (1100 pages approximately) but is very recommendable.

Friday, November 20, 2015

I have to say that I don´t know many places in Santiago, because I from of other city. But in my four years living here, I have known some places for to relax and spend the time on weekend or in the week.

The first place is the O´Higgins park. I knew this park when I arrived to Santiago (2012). I remember that the first time I went to this park  was for to know it, because was (for me) very popular in the people, but after, I started to go to this place for relax and drink anything. The first years I went with some friends, but I haven´t gone from 2014, because I don´t have time. Although haven´t entered to the park since this data, I go to run around the park two or three days on the week.

The second place is the theatre of the Universidad de Chile. I go for listen classical music that play 
the orchestra of the university. I go to this place since 2014, and I think that is a great chance for take advantage of the opportunities and activities that our university does (for the students exist discount). The majority of the students don´t know this activities, but is the only option for appreciate this, because when we are licensed we will have the same time and discounts for attend this options. Others interesting activities are the movies that exhibit the ICEI, the dance performance that the company of dance of the university makes, etc. Just is have the motivation for to go to this activities. 

Friday, November 13, 2015

I think that the happiness is very relative, but in general the people, when pass the time, start to invent things for create or access to the happiness: drugs, material things, technology, social climbing, meanness, etc. Always the reproduction of this things take to the people to one spiral of conformity and don´t see other things. The travels are for to avoid of the daily tragedy; the identity is an individual support for keep the tranquility of the life; the work is a little dead. For this, I think that the people have forgotten how to be happiness, and the copy of this state is a joke: search little spasm for to re-live (travel, go to concert of the pop-music, etc.) I don´t know what is the happiness, but this isn´t.

For me, the things that make me happy are very simple. The first is be with my family in the meadow, speak with the people that live in this place, see the mountains, rivers and the dusk, the silence. A second thing is play football. Is an activity that I practice from when I was kid. The game is important, but the most important is spend time with the friends. The last things is read. For my life the literature is very important, because it has helped me to know most to the people and me.

Go to the meadow and play football are things that I learned and practiced from when I was a kid, and are a part very important of my life, because always have been with me, and I thing that always will be with me, because the memories are things permanent in the human soul. The literature is a pleasure that starts in my adolescence, and probably I will never leave it.

I think that the happiness is accompanied of simple things, but real, and not artificial things or false. Everyone should learn to search and find these things. 

Friday, November 6, 2015

In general I have a regular performance in the three items. In the first item I have contest six questions correctly and I had one question incorrect. Was the better item that I did. I think that I can related words or answer with some context specifically. The only answer incorrect was because I did not remember a word, and for this I asked incorrectly.

The next items are more difficult for me: vocabulary and listening. In vocabulary I obtained 26 answers corrects and 7 incorrect; in listening I obtained 5 answers corrects and two incorrect. Clearly my two English ambits with more disadvantages are listening and vocabulary. I think that the principal motive is that I do not practice the time necessary for progress in these areas. Especially listening, I never have practiced the time necessary for to have a correct level in this English ambit. The vocabulary, with the time has improved, but even I can to practice more. In general, I think that I have not dedicated the necessary time to English. I am repentant for this, but even I have time for improve this lack.  

Friday, October 30, 2015

Today I will not talk to you  about one person that I find interesting, I will speak you about many persons insert in a musical style: the grounge. The topic is very trite, for someone is a style very interesting, but others don´t like it.

My first memory about the topic is when I was 16 or 15 years old (adolescence), and I remember the first song that I heard was “Rap me” of Nirvana. For me was a sensorial revolution, because only heard music with a slow beat, with chord excessively harmonious. This song show me other form of to feel and live the music: it expressed rage, anger, with melancholy dyes. After of this discovery I transformed in a fanatic of this style of music. I started to listen others groups of the grounge style, like “Alice in Chains”, “Soundgarden”, “Mudhoney”, “Stone Temple Pilots”, etc.

About the grounge I don´t could to say nothing that everybody knows (born in Seattle, have influences from metal and punk, etc.) Just I want to say something interesting for me (sociologic interpretation/general information/some that I admire of the musician of this style). I have the impression that this style of music has that form of expresses the music, with a rage contents in some moments, in other with melancholic, even with dyes so gloomy, is consequence of the historic moment in where the musician of the grounge style was born. This persons were the first generation that confronted the decadence of the family how principal institution of the society. Is obvious that the family even is a very important institution, but product of de divorce in mass, friends, ascent of the identity phenomenon, an others factors, this institution lost the them central importance, and others things occupied this role. This problematic (principally with the mass use of the divorce) help to understand the letters or the tones of the grounge style (and other things, like the abuse of drugs or the suicides of some artists). For me, this factor influenced in the grounge style and marked to this generations of teenagers, that did not find explain for the situations that were living them and expressed it with rage, pain, sad, drugs and others things. I admire not only the music of this style, also I admire the courage of confront this situation and to express the emotions that would feel in that moment.

Friday, October 23, 2015

I think that the best present that I have received in my life was a dog (race = poodle) when I was a kid (nine years old).To this dog I called “Catalina”, and it accompany me for 13 years. It had been the only pet that I have had, for that is very important for me. When it turned 13 years old, my dog lost (2013). When I knew the news I felt very sad and anger with my mother, because she would duty look after that “Catalina” did not escape (my dog was in Linares and I was studying in Santiago). This dog gave me a friend dog my mother and never I forget it.

In general I think that the best and only present important we received in the infancy. I explain that. The present that we received  when we are child impregnate our mind and feeling most deeply that in any other age, and I believe that the people give presents to the boys and girls disinterestedly, do not waiting something (omit the “exchange theory” (potlatch)). I do not want an apologist of the infancy, only I want to say that the memories in this period is very receptive to the news experiences, and the situations that we lived when are kids (girls) impregnated our memories very deeply, and always we remember it. However, I do not to say that the presents that we received when are adults have not had important, but I have the impression that this presents (when the people give it) do not sincere: is a tradition (birthday, Christmas, etc.) or is a material consideration for to change money for feelings (or something) (presents of the boyfriend, girlfriend, parents or friends